It really is good to blow this popsicle stand and have a little getaway every once in a while. In our case, it's been a dog's age, at least. Maybe two or three dogs. So Chad and I sent the kids off to Camp Grammy and Grampy while we headed for somewhere with more wine and less whine. Calistoga, baby!
I'm always a fan of hotels that have robes in the room, and this place didn't disappoint. As an added bonus, the robes helped to protect us from hypothermia. "Spring" Break, my foot. Where is global warming these days?

So, we'd been talking about seeking out a restaurant we remembered from the last time we came to Calistoga, 15 years ago (I know, pathetic....we just don't get out much...). And we found it!

Everything was so unbelievably delicious that we ate here both nights. Only the second night was a tiny bit less delicious, because Chad spent the entire evening convinced that Jeff Goldblum was at the table right behind us. Your taste buds just don't work as well when you're: a) convinced that you're eavesdropping on a celebrity's conversation, or b) trying to convince your husband that he's wrong about someone's identity. Regardless, it's always fabulous eating somewhere that doesn't have chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheese on the menu.
A hike up Mount St. Helena was the perfect way to burn off the ninety-four thousand calories we'd consumed. A lot of the trail was on an actual, full-sized road which goes all the way to the very top. So, not the most naturey and woodsy hike in the world, but fun nonetheless.

The craziest and coolest thing was that we found an arrowhead! Here's how it went down: I was walking along and happened to look down and see something shiny and black on the side of the road. I said, "Look! I think that's obsidian!" and Chad said, "Maybe it's an arrowhead!". So we dug it up. And it
was an arrowhead! Okay, so the story doesn't sound all that exciting now that I'm typing it, but trust me, we were stoked. Imagine what this thing has seen!
The view from the top would have been prettier on a blue sky day, but even with the gray it wasn't too shabby. We posed.

We posed again, this time in a spot that makes it look like we're teetering on the edge of a cliff. Heh heh. Trick photography. Look how daring we are.

Good thing neither of us was hearing the, ahem, "call of nature", because the privy up at the summit was not for the faint of heart. And I don't particularly need any splinters in my nether regions, thank you very much.
I took a couple of panoramas on the way down, and a couple more self-timers, and some pictures of trees and slugs and rocks and whatnot, until Chad gave me the, "Okay, Honey, You're getting a bit out of control with the camera" look, so I put it away. Perhaps I've mentioned how much I love my camera. But maybe I haven't mentioned that fact that you can set it to take 10 self-timers in a row.

Relaxed. Refreshed. Well-fed. Ahhh. We must do this again soon.