Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm not going to make any kinds of resolutions for 2012. My time for starting fresh with new promises to myself is always August, when I meet a new bunch of students, and take off on a new adventure with them. I always vow to keep my plan book up-to-date (never happens), to stay on top of office paperwork (ha!), and to avoid sugary treats in the staff room (as if).
But the new school year really is a fresh start with no mistakes in it. We teachers are so lucky. People in most professions don't get to divide their careers into shiny, one-year-long packages with clear beginnings and endings. And, for me, January 1st just doesn't have that same, clean slate feel to it as the beginning of the school year. Oh, sure, I could decide to work out more, or learn something new, or give up a bad habit, but the timing just feels too arbitrary to me, as someone whose year goes from August to July, instead of January to December.

So, no resolutions will be found here today. But, I did decide that it was ridiculous how far behind I'd fallen in blogging, so I promised myself I'd work my fingers to the bone to get caught up today (and tomorrow, if necessary). And, since I'll be all done with 2011's blogs, I might as well make an effort to blog a bit more consistently in 2012. I'm not resolving, I'm just sayin'.....

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