Thursday, April 22, 2010


I hardly ever blog about school, but today's art activity was so fab that I'm just gushing about it. My class is currently in France, in the middle of our imaginary trip around the world. 
We lucked out, because we happened to be in Scotland when the Icelandic volcano started wreaking havoc on European flights, so we were able to get to France via the Chunnel.

Anyway, we talked about Monet and the Impressionists, and then did this activity, which I found online.  So cool.

The biggest part of the job was making stencils of a fence, a path, and an archway.  I had the kids tack their stencils down with just the teeniest dab of glue.
Then, they sponge painted.  Yellow first, then green, then dark blue for shading, then light blue in the sky.  I told them they had to camouflage all of their stencils.
Finally, the big reveal.  It was amazing peeling off the stencils to see the (almost) finished product.
Tomorrow, some flowers will grow in the gardens.  Why have I never before discovered the awesomeness of making stencils???

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