Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Clara played in the "Kick-or-Treat" tournament this weekend, so she's been in costume for two days. Can you tell what her team was dressed as?Static cling! Very edgy. :)

Both kids insisted on carving their pumpkins with absolutely no help. It's a good thing that someone invented those safety carver things.
Family pic. Don't know what's up with my Bee Gees hair. I swear I don't normally look like Barry Gibb.
And this year's costumes. Drumroll, please......Clara came up with the tree concept all on her own, and all we had to buy was a pair of brown boots (which she needed anyway), some green face paint, and a few fake leaves. Trevi has been wearing bits and pieces of his knight costume for weeks. We managed to throw the whole thing together with stuff we found at home, except for the yellow felt. My favorite part is the milk jug helmet. :)

We trick-or-treated with some friends, and then hung out at their house for the grand candy sort. Good times.
Thankfully, most people were watching the Giants game between giving out candy, so we could stay updated on the score as we wandered the streets. They won, by the way. :) It was probably Chad's awesome Giants pumpkin that led to the win.

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