Sunday, March 13, 2011


At long, long last, we worked up a plan to get together with Kathy, our beloved friend and babysitter who took care of both Clara and Trevor starting when they were babies. We always joked about how these two could be Kathy's kids...and Trevi actually bears a striking resemblance to her youngest son....It was so nice to finally catch up, and we'll be sure not to let four years go by until the next visit!

Later on, we lounged in jammies, and Clara (Miss Studious and Responsible) knocked out a few pages of her latest research project....While Trev sat on top of the coffee table (his newest thinking spot) and drew.
His "original invention" is a machine that takes tree leaves and knits them into multi-purpose garments called "Thmes".Hmmm....sounds kinda familiar....I smell a copyright infringement lawsuit.......

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