Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A New Obsession

Star Wars has invaded the house. Big time. And even though I really don't like the idea of my sweet, peace-loving boy staging laser battles and running around making explosion noises, I have to remind myself that all of our husbands and brothers were raised on Star Wars, and they turned out okay, right? They aren't war-mongers or psychopaths (as far as I can tell), and at least Star Wars is full of fictional weapons that could never hurt a soul anyway....

Chad and Trevor (and occasionally Clara) have been watching the movies, starting with the three originals and then the three prequels, so now Trevor's brain is full of the characters and settings and vocabulary that fuel a whole new kind of play. And Lego is the medium. The thing is, Trev doesn't actually own any real Star Wars Lego. So, he has created his own. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that.

Look closely at the guys who battle for control of the galaxy (far, far away). He has either turned their faces around or removed their heads entirely and replaced them with hats and helmets. One guy even has a sword sticking out where his head should be. Many are missing one or both hands. Those sinister amputees... ;)
If Santa does come through on Trevor's wish for official Star Wars Lego, I fear that it will be the end of these improvised versions of the various bad guys. Or maybe Trev can toss some of his ideas over to George Lucas. Sequel, anyone?

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