Monday, January 24, 2011

Pencil Grips

The Silly Bandz fad seems to have ended just as abruptly as it began, only to be replaced by a new trend in Trevi's class - pencil grips. Trev has some that he calls his "bumpies", but his favorites are the "fuzzies" (which aren't fuzzy, technically, but are nice, soft foam rubber). And, even though his teacher has instituted a one-pencil-grip-on-your-pencil-at-a-time policy (which makes me laugh, because it's the exact same kind of thing I would do in my class, in an attempt to avoid fad chaos), at home Trevi likes a whole pencilful.
I've also been meaning to take a few more pics of Clara's purple room, now that her stuff has been moved back in and rearranged a bit. It's looking pretty good, but another trip to Ikea is on the horizon....
P.S. Pencil grip collecting, thankfully, has not hit my class yet. *fingers crossed*

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