Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bon Voyage!

By some stroke of luck, four of our favorite people from El Salvador ended up settling in the same corner of California as we did. Come to think of it, since Chad and I came here first, I guess the other two couples just moved here to be near us.... :)

Over ten years or so, even though we haven't gotten together nearly as often as we would have liked, we've played, talked incessantly (we're all teachers, after all...), and laughed a lot. Our collective gang of kids is pretty awesome, too. I love these people.

From time to time, each one of us talks about the desire to go back live that adventure again, but with our kids in tow this time. We've all got that overseas thing in our blood....

It was Rachel and Andy who finally decided to take the plunge. So we all got together to say goodbye, before they head off for a new chapter in Kuala Lumpur. There was a lot of food, conversation, and capture the flag.

Kids plotted.And posed.Happy trails, to you, wonderful friends. We'll miss you.


gomma said...

What a wonderful gang! And each pair
with two only two kids.Just right!!!

gomma said...

Too many two's.