Sunday, August 31, 2008

Morning Cartoons

One of Clara's only gripes about the beginning of the school year is that we are back to the old routine of watching TV only on the weekends. So, since they don't get to indulge from Monday to Friday, they make the most of the TV time they have. It's a win/win situation, since Chad and I get to sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays, while the kids veg. I made the mistake of telling them how much I like "Charlie and Lola" though, so now they wake me up to watch it with them. How could I refuse kids that look this cute and snuggly? And I do love "Charlie and Lola"....

Lest you think that we never make it outside, here's proof of fresh air being inhaled. Trevi made this golf course more vertical than most:

He was able to get the ball in the bucket, by the way, and decided that it's the best sounding golf hole he's ever made.

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