Monday, September 1, 2008

I'm still here!

To the few, the proud, the "Stuff" readers: Tara, Helen, Eunice, Nancy, Irene, and Ashley (ETA: and Apryl) (ETA: and Miriam!), :)

I'll be back on track with the blog soon. I have a bunch of posts lined up and ready to go, but I've been busy making a class website and getting ready for school, so all of my computer time has been eaten up lately. Keep checking back, because I think I may have some free time on Wednesday night, so I can play catch up then. :)

And thanks a ton for missing me! Who knew that anyone but me would find it interesting to read all of this stuff? I'm so glad you're enjoying it! :)

BTW, what I usually do is log in every day and type a few words to help me remember what I want to say about that day, and then I get back to it when I have more time. Lately, I seem to be letting days upon days pile up before I actually get around to finishing and publishing them. So, that's why you've been seeing nothing, nothing, nothing, then BAM! Seven new entries in one day! I'll try to be more of a one-a-day kind of blogger from now on... :)


Apryl Kuhn said...

I'm still here too! Look forward to reading more of your adventures. :)

Miriam said...

So am I! I love the stories!