Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spin the Valentine

I used to be a homemade-valentine parent (even last year!).  But now I'm a deadbeat who jumped at the chance to throw down $2.79 rather than spend a week at the kitchen table, covered in glitter. Oh, sure, we'll make some nice, doilyish cards for the people who really get the love, but the kids' classmates will have to make do with cutesy sayings from Phineas, Ferb, and various kittens and puppies.  It was Clara's idea – she actually said she would be a bit embarrassed to give out homemades to the boys in her class – and I can see her point.  The things will be in the garbage (or, hopefully, the recycling bin) within a week anyway, right?  And I'm sure we can find a worthwhile way to spend all of that glitter-free time. 

Trevor managed to put a new spin (so to speak) on the task of addressing valentines.  He built a little spinner thingy out of Tinkertoys, and let it decide whose name to write next.  Clara supervised.

1 comment:

Tara and Dale said...

ok, seriously, our kids need to hang out together. i sooo want sojo to pick up cool ideas like the spinner toy from trevor.