Saturday, October 18, 2008


There has been a lot of political talk in the house lately. Part of the discussion has been about the campaign signs that Chad has been putting around town, only to find them removed a couple of days later. This bums me out to no end, especially since we are hoping to live in this city for a long time. Intolerance really bugs me. And when your next door neighbor is sporting a "Yes on 8" sign, it can cause belated buyer's remorse. Maybe this place is a little too right to be the right place. I am trying to take deep breaths and tell myself that it will be okay.

Even though I don't believe in using one's children as political advertisements, it was just so funny when Trevor insisted on making his own sign today. 100% his idea.

And, in a daring act of bipartisanship this afternoon, Clara reached across the aisle to pose with her best friend Josie, a worthy opponent on the soccer field.


Tara and Dale said...

hopeful here as well about the upcoming election. i'm with trevor on this one! :)

gomma said...

Debbie across the street and I both
have Hannah Beth Jackson signs up and
are sporting Obama bumper stickers!
My next door neighbor, before leaving
on a six-week Asian tour last week,
posted (in the middle of the night
before leaving) McCain/Palin signs on
all three sides of his third floor
balconey for all the world to see. He
also has a very shredded American flag in full view! Neighbors,baa!

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

Yeah for Treavor. How else can the kids learn, if not from their parents example. I have my mail in ballot ready to go and watched my wandering daughter place hers in the mailbox here just the other day. Yeah for all who vote...