Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Blogiversary!

I've been typing away at this little blog for one whole year. It makes me very happy. Scrounging up the time to write it is never easy, but the memories recorded here are more valuable than graded papers or folded laundry or sleep. Without this blog, the stories would have been gone. Lost. I'd have maybe the tiniest, vaguest shred of a recollection about something..... "What was that Trevi said.....?" or "Didn't Clara make up something.....?" But now, instead of fragments, I have a year's worth of vivid details. This blog is a gift. It has taught me how to find small, sweet moments in the most tired and overworked weeks; in the dark days of sibling rivalry and offspring eyerolling; in the mundane.
Everyone says that time flies. It does. No stopping it. But this blog has slowed it down a tiny bit. So Happy Blogiversary to me! What a year, what a life!


gomma said...

Too bad, Dyann, that we only have one
life to live. If I had to do it over
I would do just what you are doing. I
didn't stop and smell the roses enuff
when my kids were little. Any memories that I have are still in my
head and don't match the memories that are in THEIR heads! Witness the
stories that are told around the table at Thanksgiving: I never knew
half of what was going on really!!!

Family Fables said...

yeah for your blog - i love it!!

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

Happy blogiversary to you. Your words made me smile and brought a wee bit of tears to my eyes as I remembered all the moments in time I was sure I would never forget. Oh, the memories are there...just not the details. How blessed you are to be able to record in this techy way for your children. How blessed I am to be a part of your world. How I wish I could have done this for my own children. But, how thankful to have my sweet daughter doing it for our Sojo. Thank you for sharing your life with me and others.