Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Photos

In our old house, we had two great little hallways that were jam packed full of family photos. When we moved here, we marveled at the wonderful, long hallway that would be the new home for these treasures. Instead of hanging the photos right away, though, I figured I'd just paint the hallway first. Ya, so that was January of 2007. Didn't quite get around to the painting and hanging thing in a timely manner. But look at it now:
I chose this particular shade of yellow paint, by the way, to match the yellow in the quilt Grampy Julius made for us. The quilt has graced our walls for a handful of years now, and it suits us (and our love of bright colors) perfectly.

There were boxes and boxes of photos. Just imagine my glee as I unpacked wedding photos, baby photos, more baby photos (Oh my gosh, the cheeks!), and images of places and moments that have been packed away for two years.
At some point, I'll have to swap out a few of these pics for newer ones, but for now I'm going to enjoy the wall of history.

1 comment:

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

I love you wall of love. We had one too, but took it down to paint last fall and in spite of the fact that I bought all new frames, they are still not up. Maybe you have inspired me to get on that. Love your colorful new walls too.

Blessings, Helen R