Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mayans, Shmayans

I think it's Chichen Itza where you can see the form of a rattlesnake created by the light and shadows as the sun hits the temple just so during one of the equinoxes – Spring, maybe. Well, apparently we can manage just fine, thank you, without any Mayan geniuses to help us along. This morning Trevor discovered – lo and behold – the forms of our family mascots, Brain Man and Mad Guin, cast onto the fence. Cue the oooing and aahhing.
On second thought, this is perhaps a smidge less amazing and fascinating than the Mayan snake thing, especially considering that, well, there's no real mystery in the sun shining through the Brain Man and Mad Guin shapes that Chad cut into the deck railing. Then again, it is pretty amazing that the sun is actually shining today....

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