Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Season Opener of our Backyard Pool

I had gobs of stuff to do today, not a lick of which got done.
Oh, sure, I'll pay for it later, but not one drop of guilt or angst entered my being the entire day. I was in full on pretend-it's-summer mode. And I wasn't the only one.
As they splashed around, deeply involved in a completely conflict-free game, I read my book. And I stared. Sometimes I stared into space. Sometimes I stared at these darling little faces.
I suppose I could knuckle down tomorrow. But the very wise Samuel Clemens once said, "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."

1 comment:

Tara and Dale said...

what awesome photos! question for you--why do i get nothing on my rss reader for weeks and then 8 at a time? do they get saved up? i feel a bit like a glutton when i see them all. :)