Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wodr Bloons

Trevi has been petitioning to play water balloons for the past few weeks, and I've been putting him off. Today, I woke up to a special message on our kitchen white board:
Now, even if Trevi weren't ridiculously cute already, the phonetic wrap-around writing (with mirror-image bloon) would make me do anything for him. I dug the balloons out of their hiding spot in the laundry room, and we had a grand old time.

First, the kids terrorized each other:

Then, they "washed" the windows:
I actually got wetter than both children and windows combined, since filling up those bursty little latex monsters is no small feat. It was quite a laugh, though. Wet fun.
(ETA: I found a little funnel-spout thingy at the Dollar Spot at Target that is designed specifically for this task, and will keep me dryish while filling water balloons in the future.)


Apryl Kuhn said...

Love it! Awesome illustrations, too.

gomma said...

Filling water balloons was something
that never occurred to me when raising five kids. Go! Dyann!