Saturday, December 24, 2011

Simply having a wonderful Christmastime

Well, here we are. Christmas Eve. The kids are nutty with excitement, and we've all had such a magical week of gearing up for the big day. What a happy December this has been. We've had about a month of non-stop (yay!) Christmas tunes, and there was so much time for fun, for taking it all in.

I hit a home run with Christmas Eve jammies this year. I defy you to find more adorable kids anywhere on the planet.
We played a rousing game of Scattergories, got everything all set up for Santa, tracked him on NORAD for a bit, and then it was time for Clara and Trevor to say their goodnights.As a kid, I always wanted to get to bed early on Christmas Eve, so that Santa would come. As an adult, I wish I could stay up all night. Does this really have to end tomorrow?

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