Friday, December 30, 2011

Yay Monterey

With so much leisure time before school starts up again, we figured that a quick road trip was in order. We took off yesterday for a fab day at the (always incredible) (seriously, everyone should go there) Monterey Bay Aquarium. The kids wanted to pose in this funny little fishy alcove, even though you can't really tell that it has anything to do with the aquarium. But there are definitely fish in that bubbly, planty water behind them. Take my word for it.
This one is obviously an aquarium pic, because who else has glowing blue jellyfish tanks?
The place was nutso crowded though. So glad to not be claustrophobic. If I were, I'd just have to live without close-up aquatic invertebrate experiences like this.

We spent the night at the Otter Inn (which gets Clara's hard-to-win seal of approval), and then hit the beach in the morning. Cue pics of kids running in the sand.....I just can't help myself....
Oh ya, and we dined last night with our CPK gift certificates! Woohoo! Hello, roasted vegetable salad. You complete me.

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