Wednesday, January 4, 2012

When pigs fly

At dinner tonight, we were having a little discussion about the meaning of the expression, "When pigs fly". This morphed (naturally) into speculation about how you could get a pig to fly, if you so desired. Clara suggested a jet pack, although we all agreed it would be tricky to a) acquire a jet pack, and b) get it strapped onto the pig. Trevi's suggestion was a bit less high-tech: "Just get the pig to eat the Tooth Fairy."

On a completely unrelated note, I was looking through old photos on Shutterfly, gearing up for a Clara retrospective on her birthday, and I came upon this one, which I love so much:
Kind of makes me want to chop off all of my hair though, which I would regret, and then I'd curse the day that I stumbled upon this photo....


gomma said...

Ah! Dyann, I have spent a lovely
evening reading your blogs and it
really helped me relive Christmas!
You are the most "together" family
that I have ever known.I think Trevor
looks more grown-up with the missing
front tooth!

Have a good beginning of the new
year. I got the note from Chad about
the new "Time" mag and I am looking
forward to reading it. Thanks so.

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

Loved catching up with your family and I want to come to your house for Christmas. Christmas music, new jammies, handmade with love stockings by the fire. Girl, you have Christmas all tied up in a bow. Easy to see why those kiddos of yours are always smiling. Easy to see why their parents are always smiling too. Happy New Year...Helen