Friday, March 23, 2012


Trevi turned eight today. Big number. The banners, streamers, and balloons were all hung last night, so the birthday boy woke up to a festive house and a junk cereal breakfast (Chocolate Cheerios this year).We now have two hula-hoops in the house (and two pretty accomplished hoopers).The Legofest began right away. The excitement never fades for this boy when it comes to Lego.And here's the grateful hug for the sweet sister who's been almost as excited about this upcoming birthday as the birthday boy himself. She helped with the shopping, blew up balloons, and made the birthday crown. She even stealthily hung the streamers on Trevi's door last night, while he was in bed reading.After school, the Lego building began.We capped off the day with a birthday fire in the backyard. The beginning of a new tradition, perhaps? Here you see Chad, teaching Trevor that fires are to be constantly messed with; never left alone for a second. :) This beautiful boy is so fascinated by the world, so full of ideas. He's always thinking, building, creating. And he's one of the most loving (and lovable) guys you'll ever meet. He's sure to amaze us with the new discoveries he makes in his ninth year.....
Happy, happy birthday, Manny!

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