Saturday, March 10, 2012

Trev's Favorite Restaurant

Trevor's big school project this week was to visit his favorite restaurant, learn about it, make a poster, and give a speech about it. Now Trev, who isn't usually super-enthusiastic when it comes to homework, was certainly willing to put his all into this assignment.

He memorized his entire speech, which detailed the deliciousness of cheeseburgers due to the fact that they have lots of "meat juice, which is basically just grease that tastes like hamburger meat".... ....and "cinnamon apples, which are basically a dessert, but you still get to have a cookie when you get home." Well put, Manny!We all learned a few interesting facts about Chili's in the process. For instance, we found out that every Chili's restaurant has one picture hanging upside-down somewhere on their walls.

Kind of a silly project, really, but hey, if it forces us to go out to dinner, I'm all for it! :)

1 comment:

gomma said...

Trevor! That hamburger looks good
enough to eat. And you're just the
guy who can do it! Yummm!!!

Love, Gomma