Sunday, March 4, 2012


One of Clara's stellar qualities is her work ethic. She puts in full days of top quality work at school, and then comes home and gets to her homework without a single nag or nudge from us. She is driven to do her best, no matter how big or small the assignment.

This latest project definitely falls into the BIG category. She had to research a president (she chose Jimmy Carter - such a cool guy) and make a rolling TV type thing to display her information.She went above and beyond in every aspect of this project, rocked the oral presentation part, and was so proud of the finished product. Almost as proud as we are of her.We are lucky parents.

P.S. Did you know that brother Billy Carter was allergic to peanuts?

1 comment:

gomma said...

Oh! Clara!! You are a girl after my
own heart!!! My great grandmother
heart leaps with joy!
No, I did not already know that bit
about J.Carter's brother.

Love, Gomma