Saturday, May 3, 2008


More and more, Trevor is into the inner workings of things. He has a million questions about all aspects of plumbing, as he tries to piece together where the water comes from and where it goes after it disappears from sight. I love his curiosity, and I doubly love the fact that he is more interested than ever in helping me with the laundry.
He finds toilet pipes to be the most fascinating of all (with the esophagus and intestines running close behind - yuck! No pun intended, seriously), and consequently we have to take the lid off the toilet tank and watch the water go down every time we flush. Luckily, we're an "If it's yellow, let it mellow" household (TMI? Sorry...) so at least we don't have to go through the toilet dismantling routine every 10 minutes.
On a related note, our discussions with Trevi about the digestive system have been pretty basic, and I described the stomach as a small bag into which the esophagus takes the food. Now, Trevi wants to discuss the stomach every time he encounters any kind of bag.
"Is my stomach as big as this grocery bag?"
"Is your stomach as big as this grocery bag?" (I certainly hope not)
"Is my stomach as big as Clara's lunch bag?"
"Is it bigger than my Hello Kitty purse?" (yes, Trevor has a Hello Kitty purse)
"Is an elephant's stomach as big as a garbage bag?"
I see a lot more googling in my future.......

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