Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The First Camping Trip of the Year

Today's after school activity was backyard camping, set in motion by the fact that Clara made a sit-upon today at Brownies (which is sitting upon the green stool in the picture). Right after dinner, the pair of them rounded up their camping gear and headed out to "the wilderness". It was way too hot to be in these sleeping bags, but camping is really all about sleeping bags. And marshmallows.
They brushed their teeth and read stories outside. I found out later that sand buckets had been used as spitoons.
Both kids desperately wanted to spend the night out there, under the stars, watching for the owl that supposedly lives in one of our palm trees. I have a feeling we'll be busting out the tent when the weekend rolls around.....

Pool deck update: The stairs are done now, and Chad is moving on to the deck part, which will go along the top rail of the pool. Nice to have a handyman hubby, I must say.

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