Sunday, January 10, 2010

La La Land

Thankfully, the wardrobe/self-image crisis that has been plaguing me for most of 2010 was anesthetized by my coworkers who, sensing my despair, threw their clothing and make-up at me until some of it stuck.  So I got on the plane with a massive carry-on full of other people's stuff, and a People magazine (so I could read about folks with much worse self-image issues than my own).

As it turns out, there was quite a lot of fun to be had.  Dancing blissfully until closing time at a crazy, sweaty, thumping, grinding, LOUD Hollywood nightclub?  Check.

Hobnobbing and drinking specialty rum punchy drinks at a lavish CBS party?  Check.
Not taking enough pictures, despite carrying the camera everywhere?  Check.

1 comment:

Apryl Kuhn said...

Was this something to do with the 10th Anniversary of Survivor? You look great and I'm sure you fit right in. :)