Thursday, May 27, 2010

Open House

I missed out on the kids' Open House this year, because I was at my own Open House.  Rats. Luckily, Chad took pictures of a few highlights.  Here's Clara in front of her desk:
And Clara in front of her "Seven Wonders of our City" project (which were: 1. Chili's 2. Our House 3. Jamba Juice 4. The Public Library 5. The School 6. The Soccer Field 7. Target):
Trevor posed with a sunflower plant (very kindergarteny):
And, the most talked-about bit of his classroom, the "clip-up chart".  Personally, I try to stay away from using these types of behavior systems in the classroom unless absolutely necessary, but Trevi is extremely proud of the fact that he is one of the only kids in the class who has never clipped down.  How could you clip this guy down?

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