Monday, May 10, 2010

Creepy Things

Our family has grown.
Ew and double ew.  Against my better judgement, I gave in and let Clara get silkworms again this year.  And they are just so yucky.  The little poop balls and all that.  But we are 50% cocooned at this point, so as long as we don't collect the moth eggs and put them in the fridge, as suggested by the Science teacher (are you KIDDING me????? There will be NO insect eggs lying dormant in my fridge for the next year, thank you very much...), I think I will be okay. These two, by the way, are named "Munchy" and "Eaty", and no, I don't know which one is in the cocoon and which one is still larval.

And as if that weren't creepy enough, we also have sea monkeys now.
Yep, like the ones advertised in the back of every comic book you ever read as a kid, and you were always curious about what they were, but your mom never let you send in the little order form and your five bucks.  Well, now they sell them at Target.  And Trevi got some for his birthday.  I have to admit that they're actually somewhat fun to watch, and truly fascinating creatures. Naturally, I googled them when I felt the urgent need to learn more, and I found a site that has the 411.  Someone has too much time on their hands.
I keep expecting to wake up one morning to find that the sea monkeys have all gone to sea monkey heaven, but so far they are proving to be rather hearty little things.  The gag factor just basically has to do with the bulging egg sacs (yucko!  TMI, you monkeys!), and the fact that the bottom of the "tank" is littered with sea monkey feces, previously-molted exoskeletons, and at least a few carcasses.  This is not a pet for the faint of heart.

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