Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sugar, anyone?

I am not completely without blame when it comes to peddling sugar to minors. Why, just today, I took cupcakes to school for my class. In my defense, though, no one else was supposed to bring treats to school. The cupcakes were supposed to be IT. "A low-key Valentine's Day mini-party", was what I called it in my newsletter last week. I guess I knew deep down that half a dozen parents would show up with heart-shaped blobs of frosting and sprinkles. So I'm sure my students crashed pretty hard tonight. As for Clara and Trevor, well, they both had parties at school today, too. So, see for yourself:

I thought I'd better try to channel some of this, well, let's call it, "energy". So, we decided to make a scavenger hunt for Chad. He gets home late tonight from a chilly trip to New England, and we figured that a little heart-warming was in order. Trevor thought of places that we could hide hearts, and Clara wrote clues that would take Chad from place to place. After everything was all set, we did a test run. Here's a bit of it:

Both kids started to fade as soon as we sat down to read stories, and they were both snoring (well, breathing loudly, really) within two minutes of being kissed goodnight. Whew! Another "holiday" under the belt (hmm...never realized how literally you can take that expression when chocolate and cupcakes are involved). There is no doubt in my mind that someone will mention "Easter" during breakfast tomorrow.

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