Friday, February 29, 2008

Brownies and cookies

Clara's Brownie Troop was just formed a couple of months ago, so we dove straight into Girl Scout cookie sales (as I am now diving into the cookies themselves). It took me a little while to convince the poor girl that there was more to Brownies than just fundraising. And while there haven't been any badges or jamborees or campfire singalongs yet, we did get to go uniform shopping! I delighted in buying her the brown kneesocks and dorky little brown hat...both Clara and I lucked out generationally, it seems, since our Brownie years coincided with the popularity of the color brown in mainstream fashion....
Clara is now trying hard to abide by the "Brownie Promise", which comes in handy when I want her to do something that she doesn't want to do *insert evil heckle*. Hey, if someone hands me a cattle prod on a silver platter, I'm going to take it.

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