Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Laundry Store

Laundry needs to be done, and it is part of my domain. The washing and drying part doesn't bother me, but I have to force myself to fold. If I wait too long, then I have to suffer the environmental guilt of re-tumbling to de-wrinkle. So I try my best to get to it pre-wrinkle. As for the putting away, I am lucky to have a pair of laundry elves. The one seen here is off to stash his undies in drawer number 1 (1-socks and undies, 2-jammies, 3-longs, 4-shorts, 5-jackets). Today, instead of just putting his things in the correct drawers, Trevi wanted to make a store out of it. The rules stated that he had to pay me one penny for each thing he took to his #1 drawer, 2 pennies for each #2 drawer item, and so on. We dumped out the change dish, and played at this through three loads. Trevi had fun, the clothes went where they needed to go, and I made 68¢.

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