Sunday, November 2, 2008

What the Great Pumpkin brought

In case you were wondering, the Great Pumpkin left each of the kids a lap harp, in exchange for their candy. Trevor, whose love of music centers around experimentation with sound, mainly just tunes and retunes the strings. He likes to make the music sound "spooky and loud", then "gentle and quiet".

As for Clara, the jury's still out as to the candy-equivalent value of the harp. It's definitely not what she was hoping for, but she hasn't threatened to forgo the gift and keep her candy next year, so that's a good sign. She's a keep-the-harp-perfectly-tuned-and- perform-real-songs kind of girl, unlike her brother.
Now, she can play "Ode to Joy" on two different instruments.
So, yeah, we heard that song a lot today.

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