Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Things that Really Get Me

This is me engaging in a common pastime: pulling my hair out. Maybe Trevi got his Zed genes from me, because at this rate, I really should have been bald by now.Ya, of course I am put-off my having so much work and so little time, blah blah blah. But it's the dumb little things that, well, break the camel's back (I never claimed to be original). A few straws from today:

• No bar of soap in the shower, and no kid in earshot. Had to wash with shampoo. It left a film.
• Finding expired yogurt hiding in the back of the fridge. Wasteful.
• An earwig on the bathroom counter. Why?
• Trying to convince Clara that her teacher couldn't possibly have told the class that they need to write their speech about a Native American war hero in their family.
• Having to create fictitious relatives just so she could get the blankity-blank speech done.
• The fact that we were out of milk, and had to go to the grocery store after dinner.
• Having to change Trevi's sheets at bedtime because the cat had thrown up on them.
• Noticing overdue videos on the counter, and remembering the overdue library books in the car.
• The fact that my contacts are now fused to my eyes, and will need to be scraped off in a few minutes.

It's stuff like that.
But, on the other hand, I get to go snuggle into my cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And, I have fresh milk for the vat of coffee I'll brew in the morning. A new day, with new straws. But no war hero speeches. And hopefully no cat throw-up.

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