Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

It was a flurry of activity around here from sun-up to well past sundown today.  The House told us to make cards and ornaments, so we dutifully obeyed.  Clara filled her cards with long, thoughtful messages, and Trevi colored his heart out on special projects for special people.
We headed over to Grammy and Grampy's for an early dinner, and some lovely hang time with the cousins and the rest of the gang.
I tried my darndest to get Grammy, Grampy, and all four grandkids looking at me, but this is the best I could manage:
We had a great time, great food, and great photo-ops (Thanks, G&G!), but we had to high-tail it out of there to pick up Uncle Bryan at the airport.  I started documenting the much-anticipated UB visit as soon as everyone was nestled (ie. squished) in the back. 
Back at home, we did some "baking" for Santa (Thank you, Pillsbury, for helping us get something resembling homemade on Santa's cookie plate under serious time constraints). 
Some commercial had convinced Clara that we should provide St. Nick with an ice cold Coke, instead of hot chocolate, so we broke with tradition and caffeinated the big guy.
With bedtime looming, the just-barely-finished stockings were hung (by the chimney with care), and visions of sugarplums started dancing and all that jazz. 
It feels strange to not be in Nova Scotia this Christmas, but at least we didn't get stranded anywhere or lose any luggage, or have any other travel misadventures like last year and a few years previous.  I'd be willing to endure it all again, though.  Christmas will be wonderful, the kids are cuter than ever, and we are so happy to have Bryan here, but there will be some empty spots around our tree in the morning. 

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