Friday, December 18, 2009

Snow Machine

This is one of those things that you kind of regret letting your child do when you reach the clean-up stage.  But how could I resist?  Trevi discovered Styrofoam snow.  I had dug out all the old packing material I could find, and was trying to get together a few packages to get into the mail (even though there's not a hope in H-E-double-hockey-sticks that they'll arrive by Christmas – oh well, maybe next year) when Trevi asked if he could use a few of the styrofoam peanuts.  Ten minutes later, we had a full-on blizzard in the living room.  
Trevi figured out that if you rip and crush the peanuts to smithereens, then shove them into a box and push down on the flaps, the styrofoam snow will go flying around the room.  By the time we were done shovelling, the inside of the vacuum cleaner bag must have looked something like Buffalo, NY.  Also, the Post Office had closed for the day.

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