Tuesday, March 23, 2010

He's Six!

I don't think I've ever documented our family tradition of hanging streamers on the Birthday Kid's bedroom door, the night before the big day. Trevi was especially excited to wake up and walk through his streamers this morning.  
They aren't black and blue for any particular reason, by the way. It was just all I could dig up in the gift wrap bin in the garage.
And, after walking through the streamers, there were presents, balloons, a birthday sign, and an adorably enthusiastic sister waiting in the kitchen. 
Fruity Cheerios for breakfast and the birthday has officially begun.

I actually took these next photos yesterday, when Trevi randomly chose to wear a shirt which made him look mindblowingly cute, and also way too grown up.  Our baby is six years old.

I followed him around the backyard while there was just enough light left to go flashless.
How I love this boy.
Six will be full of new adventures, discoveries, and inventions. This is going to be fun.
We love you, Manny!  Happy, Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Tara and Dale said...

so wild and beautiful that i have watched this kid grow up on your blog. the love is so evident, dyann. one lucky lady and family.