Sunday, March 7, 2010

Let them eat cake!

Here's a new one:  getting cake at a birthday party.  No, not a piece of birthday cake– an entire, humongous cake for each birthday guest, to be "decorated" as one of the party activities. In Clara's case, the finished product was a chocolately mass with inch-thick frosting and gummy worms and jellybeans and m&ms and six kinds of sprinkles.  To take home.  Seriously.

What is a sugarphobic parent to do?  I spent the drive home from the party figuring out how to break it to Clara that her cake was headed to the Staff Room at school, where it would be devoured by ravenous/stressed teachers in exactly twelve nanoseconds. 

However, since today happened to be Papa's birthday (and also Ariana's), we decided instead to get out the maple leaf plates (only for the most special and Canadianest of occasions) and eat cake.
Now, what to do about the goody bag full of candy?

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