Saturday, March 29, 2008

A brief rant, because who has time for a long rant during daylight hours?

One of the things I would like to improve about my children is their short-term memory. How is it that, after seven straight hours of my complete participation in trains, blocks, Polly Pockets, hula hoops, magnets, obstacle courses, playdough, dominoes, jump rope, stories, Lego, baseball, and painting, I am unable to attend to life's great luxuries like, say, brushing my own teeth or emptying the dishwasher, without hearing, "When are you going to come and play with me, Mummy?"
Do I need to start putting ginkgo biloba in their oatmeal, or what?

1 comment:

Popo and Nana and Gong Gong and Granda said...

Hi: I am Tara's mother, Helen. She turned me on to your blog. I remember you from Ecuador and the play you were both in. While awaiting our Miss Sojo, I became a blogger too. I enjoyed your latest because I am a labyrinth lover and even built one in my yard for my 62nd birthday. I am enjoying the stories of your children. Blessings to all...