Friday, March 14, 2008

Clara's Leprechaun Trap

As a follow-up to my leprechaun rant, here is a picture of the trap that Clara came up with for her homework. She took one of her Barbie chairs and painted it green (I need to give myself props for the fact that I personally built all of her Barbie furniture a few years ago, out of little scraps of wood. I even used Chad's serious power tools, like the big, scary miter saw that makes a zinging noise when the blade cuts into something). Since Clara had just learned about Roy G. Biv, she had no trouble creating this beautiful rainbow, which would lead the leprechaun to the pot of gold that is sitting on the chair's armrest. She made the pot itself out of playdough, dried and painted black, then filled with gold sequins. Since she is a firm believer in leprechauns, Clara wanted to use real gold jewelery, but I managed to talk her out of it. On the little blue plate is some candy, because who doesn't like candy? The Barbie CD walkman thingy does not actually work, so Clara insisted on bringing a U2 CD to school to attract the leprechaun. Once he heard the music of his compatriots, green guy would assume it was coming from the Barbie walkman, which was situated invitingly between the pot of gold and the candy at the end of the rainbow. If all went as planned, the leprechaun would take a seat, not realizing until it was too late that the seat was covered with double-sided sticky tape. Trapped! A victim of his own greed, gluttony, and love of Bono, the leprechaun would be stuck counting gold sequins while Clara received an A+ for leprechaun capture. I love what my brilliant daughter created. Taco Bell thinker. Way to go, sweetie! Okay, now I hope I don't have to write about leprechauns again ever.

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