Friday, July 4, 2008

Blast From The Past - 4th of July 2006

Two summers ago, we happened to arrive on July 4th for a visit with Grandpa Bob and Granne in Barrie. Grandpa Bob had prepared a dazzling backyard light show for us. Here you see Chad, the kids, Granne, and Uncle Bryan taking in the pyrotechnic performance. Granne, apparently, was either conducting the musical score, or perching an invisible budgie.
As I watched my dad light the fireworks in a bucket of sand, it took me back to the many Victoria Day fireworks of my childhood. In particular, I remember the "Snakes" (little black pucks that expanded lengthwise and wiggled when they were lit), "Burning School Houses" (we had to get several each year, to represent the various schools attended by neighborhood kids), and the finger-scorching sparklers, with which we wrote our names in the air, even when they had stopped sparkling and they were just glowing red sticks.
The next day, we went to Kahshe Lake, one of my favorite places in the world.
Our colorful group gathered for a nice family picture. Missing from the scene that year was Uncle Andy.....
...So here's Andy from the previous summer, teaching Bryan how to hurl. It's a sport.
Fun times. It has been far, far too long since we all hung out. We need to make a plan to get together before more time escapes us.

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