Monday, July 28, 2008

More Bonfante!

I've blogged about Bonfante before. We've been there many times, and we'll go there many more. I take less and less photos every time we go, because I started to think that it was a bit weird to have nearly identical photos year after year. But I just discovered that it's actually rather cool. A few cases in point:

Running under the waterfall in 2006:

Running under the waterfall in 2008:
It kind of looks like the kids changed their clothes, and Chad traveled in a time machine.

Posing in front of the talking vegetables in 2007:

Posing in front of the talking vegetables in 2008:

Trevi falling asleep on the ferris wheel in 2006:

Trevi pretending to fall asleep on the ferris wheel in 2008, to recreate what happened in 2006:

Me smiling and oblivious as the caterpillar ride begins its nauseating circles in 2006:

Me riding under protest in 2008:

Bonfante has a relatively new water play area, but the kids spent less time playing there than the time it took for them to change in and out of bathing suits. In any case, brief fun was had.

Water dumps down from above by the bucketful.
Trevor watches from a safe distance as Clara endures the deluge a few times.

He joins in.

Mikey likes it!

And no trip to Bonfante would be complete without a few car rides, and plenty of time spent watching the trains go by.
I should also mention the bird show, which featured a cockatoo named Martha who could operate her own miniature bike, scooter, roller skates, and shopping cart. I'm not really a pet bird person, but I can understand how one could be a pet bird person, especially if your bird could perform cool tricks. The kids loved it.

Bye 'til next time, Bonfante!

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