Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Remote Control Motor Boat

For the longest time, Trevi has been asking, very specifically, for a "remote control motor boat to drive around in the pool." Since we don't have any gifty occasions during the summertime, we couldn't really justify complying with his request (even though I started to really want one too). Then, I realized that we could get one as a "souvenir from Hawaii". Perfect. We never really had any intention of buying it in Hawaii. Instead, we figured we'd wait until we got home, and pick one up with a Toys R Us gift card that I've had kicking around in my wallet for a few years.

So, we got Trevor some real souvenir type things like a t-shirt and a Hawaii magnet and whatnot, and then we all took a trip to Toys R Us for the piece de resistance. Here is our little mariner taking his new Zodiac for a spin:

And here he is an hour later, when the battery compartment had filled with water and the boat had stopped working forever:
Trevor and I were not completely surprised, since we had read a bunch of online reviews about several boats in a similar price range (i.e. cheap), and some reviewers had warned of leaks and subsequent malfunction. Trevor summed it up best when he said, "Mummy, I guess we should have listened to those people when they said 'Don't waste your money on this piece of junk!' "

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