Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Cat Fort

Our sideyard is a bit like one of those "adventure" playgrounds. It's full of branches, pieces of lumber, sand toys, old boxes, and a bunch of random items that are not quite worthy of taking up space in the garage, but not quite garbage either. Trevi always comes up with new ways to put this flotsam to use. Today he built a fort for the cats.
He placed a few stones on the deck, then carefully balanced pieces of wood in teepee formation, until he felt that it looked cozy and inviting. The problem of a leaky roof was remedied by the addition of an old umbrella. It gave the place a bit of color, too. The finishing touch was a sign, which, according to Trevor, reads, "This is a fort for cats and all cats should sleep here in the fort and it doesn't cost any money because it is free for cats to stay in my fort."
Apparently our cats can read, and they both appreciate a bargain.

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