Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blast From the Past - Clara's Preschool Graduation

I've been writing this blog for about 4 1/2 months now. I love doing it. It's so satisfying just taking the time to record the shenanigans of my two favorite kids in the world.

The only problem is that 7 1/2 years have passed since Chad and I became parents. That leaves me with countless untold shenanigans bouncing around my temporal lobe. So I had this idea to start adding a little "Blast From the Past" entry every now and then. I haven't really fully formulated the plan yet....not sure if I'll go chronologically, or jump around...but I'm going to try it and see how it goes. So I'll title each one Blast From the Past, and try to adequately set the scene for the photos. These BFtheP posts will be interspersed with the regular, real-time posts. A quick ride in the time machine should be fun.

That said, this little venture runs the risk of becoming overwhelming if I try to get too detailed about the past, so I will try to keep my feet firmly planted in now, and not go all Marty McFly on you.

And now, for the first installment of Blast From the Past: 6/12/2006

It was almost exactly two years ago that Clara "graduated" from preschool. Personally, I think that the idea of doing the cap and gown thing for a bunch of 5-year-olds is a bit silly, but they looked darn cute.
Clara's teachers, Miss Hilda and Miss Delia, were wonderful. They made sure to pass along as much Mexican culture as they could to the kids, and would spare no expense to be authentic about it. Check out the costumes for the final dance: (Clara is on the far left)
The day was hot, hot, but the horchata was cold, and Clara received her first marriage proposal, from Isaac. She hasn't spoken to him since, though. Glad she doesn't want to commit too young.

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